Upcoming Shows

Wednesday, July 24, 9:30am
International Double Reed Society
Feature Recital - EK Duo
Kitt Recital Hall - Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ

Sunday, September 29, 7pm
EK Duo at Andrea Clearfield's Salon
Philadelphia, PA

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I have been fortunate over the years to work with some wonderfully gifted and giving people. I cherish the opportunity to work with people who are truly committed to their art, to the production, and to sharing that moment when it comes together. There have been times when I’ve shown up to what might seem a very low key “gig” yet because of the dedication to what was happening, and the openness of the people, it became an intense and moving experience.

I don’t know if it’s true that artists generally feel things more intensely than other people, but I think that many of us may relate to the build-up that can happen when life throws its myriad of challenges your way. On top of this, you see all of the suffering in the world, much of it is so needless, which amplifies the greed and hate that lives among men. And then you find yourself in a car, driving around Brooklyn, through Manhattan, into the Lincoln Tunnel and onto New Jersey highways. You may want to scream. You may want to cry. But now it’s time to be nice, because you’re interacting with other people, and they have their own problems, and you’re a professional after all.

Now, whether you publicly perform in any fashion or not, imagine you’re onstage, in plain view of everyone, waiting for your moment. Then something in the performance is particularity moving, and all of the beauty in the world seems to show itself to you, and all of the pain in the world seems to show itself to you. And then you start screaming to yourself in your mind “don’t cry, don’t cry, dammit don’t cry”. But one solitary tear makes it to the surface and rolls down your cheek. And that tear has felt everything. And now make your entrance and don’t screw up.   - TK